Tunisian Bounouwara is a style of Tunisian folkloric dance that is performed by both women and men. Bounouwara translated means “with theflower”. Although many of the typical Tunisian dance steps can be used interchangeably with different Tunisian rhythms to include the Bounouwara rhythm, there are also steps that are specific to this style of dance. Two Bounouwara rhythms are Bounouwara Agrebi 4/4 and Bounouwara Tounsi 4/4.
Two larger scarves are used and the movement of these scarves is much bigger vs. the smaller scarves and movement of the Andalusian style. They can also make different figures or gestures to symbolize something or tell a story. Bounouwara has a light, bouncy feel to it. If a dancer is performing Fezzani and the rhythm changes to Bounouwara, she would simply dance the traditional Bounouwara steps until the music changes to something else. An example of the costume for Bounouwara is pantaloons with or without elastic at the ankle, short belero top with a tunic (chamese), belt (hizzam) at the hips and sometimes at the waist a small belt, small hat (chachia/sha-shee-ah) or sequined tiara in the Tunisian style and two large scarves. Men would wear a shirt (chamese) with vest or Jibba, pants (serwell), and Tunisian hat kabbous.
References: Mustapha El Oueslati, [email protected], Khiera Oubeidallah, Former Principal Dancer and Professor of the Tunisian National Folklore Ensemble. Khadejah El Oueslati, [email protected]